Friday, July 29, 2011

Trucks: What happens if you need to rent one...

The endorsement you want, heck, need to have on your business auto is "Hired Auto Physical Damage - Loss of Use & Loss of Hired Auto"

Chartis on it's New Hampshire and Lexington lines added this coverage, and a slew of others this week.

As a pest control operator, you know that sometimes you run out of trucks.  Big job comes in, and two spray trucks go down makes for a challenging week.  With Hired Auto Physical Damage, a huge exposure is covered, allowing you to rent the needed vehicles to keep the bugs dying.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Using NON-Admitted Carriers

If your Pest and Termite Control General Liability Insurance is under-written by a NON-admitted carrier, this new law might affect your rate, or more directly, the taxes on the policy premiums.

I feel that if you should purchase your general liability with an admitted carrier, or at least and Risk Retention Group backed up by an admitted carrier, before going non-admitted. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bed Bugs and your General Liability Insurance

Bed bugs bite people...make sure they don't bite your business.

Get real clear with your agent or insurance carrier about any bed bug inspections or treatments that you're performing. Don't wing this, determine, set, and stay within guidelines. There's already an insurance product for hotels to recover lost revenues due to bed bugs, so that means the exposure is real.

hat tip:

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Workers Comp Fraud: Investigations and Your Ex-Mod

So, a "pill mill" is busted in Ohio. Big deal, right? You kill bugs, not pills....

Any business who's employees went to that MD's office might experience a spike in their Experience Modifier, or ExMod.

Stay on top of claims, and your ex-mod might be manageable. A good agent will help track this stuff for you, and shop around during renewal time.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bed Bugs?

New applications for pest and termite control insurance are asking pointed questions about the discovery and treatment of bed bugs.

Though not expressly excluded in most forms, the carriers are "silent" on the issue. Meaning, no direct mention of bed bugs. IMHO, it'll be 2-3 more years for either an endorsement or exclusion enters the forms.

Can Bed Bug Treatments offer a new source of income for Pest and Termite control companies? Or, is this a passing fad?

Sleep on that... (^_~)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Workers Comp rates to increase in CA

Every company we work with is raising their Workers Comp rates for Pest Control classes.

Keep track of your EX Mod. The Experience Modification is a claims history based multiplier. An insurance company takes their base rate for a given class (such as Pest Control, or Termite) and then multiplies that rate by your Ex Mod.

A good agent will research the basis of your Ex Mod. Many times, an open claim from years ago shows up, even though the claim had been closed. Bureaucracies are not typically good at follow up. A good agent is...